

"One of the deepest habitual patterns that we have is the feeling that the present moment is not good enough. We frequently think back to the past, which maybe was better than now, or perhaps worse. We also think ahead quite a lot to the future, always holding out hope that it will be a little better than now. Even if things are going really well now, we usually don’t give ourselves full credit for who we are in the present.

Instead of looking for fruition, we could just try to stay with our open heart and open mind. This is very much oriented to the present. By entering into this kind of unconditional relationship with ourselves, we can begin to connect with the awake quality that we already have.

Right now, can you make an unconditional relationship with yourself? Just at the height you are, the weight you are, the intelligence that you have, and your current burden of pain? Can you enter into an unconditional relationship with that?"

-Pema Chodron, Comfortable With Uncertainty.

Musings, WellnessAna Muriel