Toxic People and your Power

The thing that bugs us about toxic people isn’t that they’re toxic. It’s that we’re toxic when we’re with them. Rather than trying to fix, deal or handle strategies in order to avoid being manipulated. I have learned that it is about first going within to discover and release all the barriers we build against ourselves.

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MusingsAna Muriel
Alchemy Sessions

Holistic Coaching - Personal sessions where we journey into our inner landscapes and tend the aspects in us that resist to wake up.Shedding skin, embracing polarities, transforming our pain, rediscovering our possibilities, nourishing our life, aligning to our Soul´s song.

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Nutrition, WellnessAna Muriel
Ode to Female

Her darkness is her light. Her Light is ode to her darkness. They both embody her, make her who she is.A wonderer, a magician, a healer, a dancer, a warrior, an alchemist, an artist, a cobra, a student, a teacher, a priestess, a soul having an adventure in this land called Earth.

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Musings, WellnessAna Muriel
Your Soul´s calling

What actions are you willing to take on the path to your soul calling? ... What is your soul singing, whispering, craving for?...What is your heart-calling?... What is the story of your soul wanting to be acknowledged?...

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MusingsAna Muriel
Gratitude Mindset

Some of us have to learn that being grateful might mean feeling vulnerable (heart wide-open),it also might mean owning our darkness, and nevertheless, take the risk to choose aliveness versus living in a state of fear or a contracted mentality of scarcity.

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Musings, WellnessAna Muriel