Love, thy will done

‘Love Thy Will Be Done’ started out as a prayer and then was given a make-over by Prince to become the song that later Martika will sing to become a hymn. A powerful presence of Prince, with the devotion and grace of Martika´s voice. Prince performed this song in his tour to Australia in 2012.

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I am learning to be like a Flower

There is a wisdom that we can claim in the topography of our Soul.So many songs waiting in the garden of our being waiting to be given permission to grow. How to love like lavender, to laugh like a lily, to blossom like a rose. Im learning to be like a flower.

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Video, WellnessAna Muriel
The Keeper

The vibration of words, infuse your space with a frequency. Nourish yourself with high vibratory words, allowing them to highly resonate in your mind and body. This song, the Keeper resonates with those times when we need to remember to walk with fear, make fear our lover.

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Im ready.

This song from beautiful Tracy Chapman brings charm and grace to my voice as I sing it. Feels overflowing of healing words as I allow it to bathe me.

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MusingsAna Muriel

Nurture, heal, love, sing, dance, move, walk, witness, feel, cry, smile.. allow life to shower you, breathe through you, be in you as you. May you this way, define your being in the world in real consciousness.

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WellnessAna Muriel