An Artist Prayer
Oh Great Creator,I am sitting here in your name That I may be of greater service to you And to all my fellows. I offer myself to you as instrument. I open myself to your creativity in my life. I surrender to you my old ideas. I welcome your new and more expansive ideas. I trust that you will lead me. I know you created me and that creativity is your nature and my own. I ask you unfold my life According to your plan, not my low self-worth. Help me to believe that it is not too late And that we are not too small or too flawed To be healed- By you and and through each other- and make whole. Help us to love one another, To nurture each other´s unfolding, To encourage each other´s growth, And understand each other´s fears. Help me to know that I am not alone, That I am loved and lovable. Help me to create as an act of worship to you.
-Julia Cameron.