Bhakta Project
A group of dedicated bhakti yogis from Colombia. Their music will align your vibe and your mind, will make you feel something is resonating in your inner-being. Camilo, tells us about his story as Director of the group and how all this magic came about:
1. Tell us how Bhakta Project happened?
This Project is the result of an inner quest that has been guiding my life through the path of Yoga, with the insight of music. I studied music since a very young age and it has always been a tool for introspection and the discovering of subtle realities within and without. But even with the revelations music brought me, I was missing something that I completely found in the Science of Yoga, the science of the Self. Since then, both the Yoga and music have been guiding my life.
The Project itself took place in ShyamAshram ( where I have been living for the last 3 years. Here I have deepened my sadhana and it’s a perfect place for creativity. The first time I started giving shape to the Project was 2 years ago with the collaboration of Pablo Candileri and Martin Molina. We made our first live concert in a Yoga Festival that we host here at the ashram every year (
2. Who is in this team?
Natalia Helo (NamrataShakti): She is the singer and a very powerful , beautiful yet humble person. She is an actress, and a Yogini who follows the lineage of Satyananda.
Martin Molina: He plays the Keyboards and is my partner in this Project. He also has a beautiful project in a farm where he lives with his family.
Diego Arteaga: He is the percussionist. He has been walking his path with the guidance of many Native South American Teachers. He’s also developing his farm in a very special place in the western mountain chain of Colombia.
Andres Moreno: He is the bass player and the jewel of youth in our Project. He is studying bass in college and is now starting to take his first steps in the path of Yoga.
Mauricio Rico (Yoga Mittra): He is a singer and our newest member. He is an amazing Kirtaniya and he also found his inspiration within the lineage of Satyananda. We have been practiced Kirtan with him for many years.
Natalia Duque: She is our beautiful soprano singer. She has been practicing yoga for many years and now she is following her heart to teach yoga and make her own business with her mom.
Camilo Garcia. I am the director, guitarist and composer of the Project. I have been studying, practicing, sharing and living the Yoga Science for the last 9 years.
3. What Is Bhakta Project and how did the inspiration for the song´s happen?
Bhakta is a devotional music project combining a modern music language with the ancient vibration of mantras. Our intention is to share our own deepest consciousness of peace, love and union through music.
The inspiration came from the practice of Kirtan, a very important part of our lives. Its a very profound and deep practice in which we all found inspiration, clarity, and divine love.
4. Where to find Bhakta Project?
You can find us at our web page: Here you can also support us by buying our music. You can also check our Youtube channel, Facebook page and Instagram: Bhakta Project
5 Would you share with us a great advice you have been given:
Ishvara Pranidhana: Move away from the center, don´t think that everything is moving around you but instead serve and love the center, the Supreme Divine Reality.
A little taster here: