Stolen Dreams
I have been thinking recently about the power of desire.How desire shows up when you are enjoying the most delicious meal with your body giving you this full-body yes feeling. How desire shows up when you are having the most juicy conversation with your lobs (aka precious friends) with deep laughter, how desire shows up when you are dwelling in possibilities and your mind opens up with such vast clarity. How desire dresses up in light when you are acting from your deepest truth. And then now to the most interesting way I have sensed is also how desire shows her presence through the darker places. How desire shows up in the most angry moment when your body is even shaking from the fire within, your soul screaming for being heard. How desire shows up when jealousy creeps in and you feel you should be doing whatever someone else is doing, here desire is hiding here giving you a map to where your stoll aim to go, because you can, because you want it. Because you are free to go where you want. Desire speaks up through all of these sensations as if our soul wanted to move us towards our dreams. Desire is a map to freedom, to joy, to truth. What is desire telling you? There are no stolen dreams. Desire is singing your dreams out loud if you dare to listen deeply. It connects us back to Soren Kierkegaard when she beautifully said, "you become what you understand".... We become our stolen dreams, our unsung songs, our deepest understanding, our Soul´s calling. If we dare to listen to our desire speaking, feeling, moving throughout our system.