This is how it feels


This image is what it means to me, to be here. It explains how it feels.Goodbye beautiful Land. Bogota, City of chaos. Colombia country of wilderness. Fusion of solitude, traffic jams and warmth of hearts. Today, I´m grateful for being in your honest most open you, and all the versions I become when breathing your air. In Colombia your character softens, your plans change, you might just need to stop and acknowledge in awe, because you want to understand what this chaos means. Bogota teaches you to be with what is and to simplify before you go mad. Thank you for letting me go but thank you for welcoming me over and over again. I will say goodbye and be happy to take with me, a deepest version of my presence here, the very subtle presence that can only be explained with this image. The feeling of just being, where I am the experience of what is as it is. I have learned with you so many, so much. Chaotic, messy, simple, subtle, silent, sometimes inspiring and beautiful. Thank you in any single way. You have made me dance, and cry, dream and become. Colombia, land of mixed feelings, interweaving emotions, land of tears and joy.

MusingsAna Muriel