JUNE Edition - Oh this is my sister. I almost run out of words to describe my admiration and love for her. The more you get to know her, the more you get hooked by her presence. PhD in Philosophy. Great Piano Player. Genius writing and speaking. Lives in Germany. Lover of Cats. Silent Warrior. Beautiful spark of Light in my life. Person to go to when you need and advice. She melts my spirit in awe.
1. Tell us 3 things about you
- I like food that is white
- My home stretches for thousands of miles
- Still finding my way...
2. What is the best advice you have ever been given
Forgive (yourself and others) + Be kind (to yourself and others)
3. What is your favourite song?
I don't have one single favorite song. But I really like Bright Eyes' "First day of my life"
4. Can you tell us a beautiful story about your life?
I fell in love with and married my best friend! :)
5. Share with us one of your favourite books and why?
One of my favorite books is the Dream of the Celt (El Sueño del Celta). It is not just impeccably and beautifully written, but it is also a very accurate depiction of a true hero's humanity in all of its complexity: idealism and courage, hand in hand with weakness and doubt...