The Beautiful Trio: Hazelnuts, Walnuts, Pecans
Recently, I had been called almost like a direct urge to eat this nuts... I had been eating them in my morning mix and they just feel so good. My body thanks me for having listened.I was just wondering what are their benefits in detail to understand what my body intuitively had been asking for.. So here the benefits, they are really big and amazing:
H A Z E L N U T S Hazelnuts are packed with essential oils and supply a well-balanced mixture of vitamins and minerals. Hazelnuts contain about 75 percent mono-unsaturated fat and less than 4 percent saturated fat. • Hazelnuts rank number one among tree nuts in folate content. Folate is responsible for a decreased risk of neural tube birth defects and it reduces depression. Hazelnuts are rich in minerals, particularly in manganese, selenium and zinc. The minerals calcium, magnesium and potassium from hazelnuts help to lower cholesterol. It seems that eating hazelnuts, and other tree nuts, can reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease. This is probably due to their impressive store of monounsaturated fat, vitamin E, and minerals, such as copper and magnesium, all of which reduce blood pressure and inflammation.
Hazelnuts are full of oil, but there's no evidence they are fattening. Quite the contrary: people on nut-rich diets often show weight loss. An explanation for this is that eating nuts stimulates the metabolism and makes you burn more calories. Another is that the high fat, protein, and fibre composition of nuts gives them the "fullness factor" in spades, so when we eat them, we are left feeling satisfied, not tempted to stuff our faces with less healthy foods.
W A L N U T S These nuts are similar to that of the human brain! The nuts are enriched with many health-benefiting nutrients, especially omega-3 fatty acids that are essential for optimum health. Among nuts, the case may be made that walnuts are king, as research shows they may boost your health in a number of ways. One-quarter cup of walnuts, for instance, provides more than 100 percent of the daily recommended value of plant-based omega-3 fats, along with high amounts of copper, manganese, molybdenum, and biotin.
P E C A N S Pecans are in the top 15 foods known for their antioxidant activity,and also chock-full of minerals. Manganese, of which pecans offer a whopping 245% of the daily value per serving, is very good for your heart. Pecans contain 65% of the daily value for copper, critical for energy production in your cells, and 33% each in magnesium (helping to maintain a healthy immune system, nerve function, heart rhythm, and muscle and bone strength) and zinc (for optimal immune function, protein synthesis, DNA synthesis, cell division, and wound healing). The phosphorus, iron, calcium, and selenium content in pecans hold their own as nutritional assets.
Pecans are packed with fatty acids like oleic acid that your body needs, which is great for weight control. Plant sterols in pecans offer further cholesterol-lowering ability.
Native to the Americas, pecans offer a unique combination of attributes to the diet unlike any other food. The minerals alone are impressive: 245% of the daily value per serving of manganese, as well as copper, magnesium, and zinc. Very high in fiber that keeps your digestive system well-regulated, pecans offer extraordinary antioxidant power. Phytochemicals like vitamin E, betacarotenes, lutein, and zeaxanthin neutralize free radicals and protect your body from infections and diseases, including cancer.
Wow, enough of facts. Now just go and add them to your morning, snacks or salads, its worth the try.
Source: Mercola.