Terena Barajas, Life Coach, Miracle Worker, Speaker and Author - APRIL EDITION
Terena, greek/colombian, empowered life coach, friend and woman. She is authentic, walks her talk and leads people to live inspiring lifes. She takes you to the places you have never imagined you needed to turn to. She shifts your perspective of things, She makes you laugh. She has great taste, loves a great life and moves you to do the same. She is great at supporting you to write your story, and rewrite another one if the one you are living is not serving you anymore. She says: "We don’t have to stay stuck in our sad stories. We can own them, face them and move past them. I moved past mine, so I know it´s possible. Whatever your story is, ask yourself if it is serving you. If the things it makes you think and feel are getting you the results you want". We have shared very special moments, and our friendship to me, feels like destiny-made, a miracle in action. She empowers women to love themselves and own their power...
Here some of her insights and sharings...
1. Tell us 3 things about you? * It took me a while to figure out that my guilty secret of loving tabloid gossip had a lot to do with my fascination with how people live, think and act. * Once in a while a Coca Cola and a bag of potato chips feel like just the right thing. * In my fantasy life i am a professional salsa dancer.
2. What is the best advice you have ever been given? To see life as a circus and not take everything so seriously.
3. What is your recipe for living a life with passion? It´s a one-ingredient recipe: figure out what you are passionate about doing, then go do it.
4. Why miracles, What for, How to tune into them? Because a small change in perception can make a huge impact in how we feel, and that is a miracle. Tune into them by detaching from the "how" and just focusing on what you desire.
5. Can you share with us a little snippet about your new book? My new book is called "Termínale a la Tusa", and is a call to action in healing heartbreak - the heartbreak does not need to last longer than the actual relationship! I draw in a lot of clients who are successful women in their 20s, 30s and 40s who are sad around love, having a hard time getting over relationships that frankly are often not worth their time and worried about finding love. This book is (I hope) the first of many to speak directly to these women. It is available in Spanish in hard copy and in online in Amazon Mexico and Apple.
6. One of her videos about EFT, or tapping... Such an interesting tool she uses to bring your stress down or to heal something from a very different perspective. Check this one out...
If you ever need to boost your path, go for her. www.terenabarajas.com/en