A year of Tender Mercies


“I want my soul to burst with flowers appearing, those seeds planted in the dark cold ground at last leaping into light. I want my body to sing its wild hymns and to bring forth the poems written on the inside of my bones. I want my voice to ring out with grace and truth. I want to create new rituals and ways of being, to go forward with wisdom and gentleness. I want to approach new opportunities with thankfulness and eager creativity. I want the fortitude to make needed life-changes and to gracefully surrender to the highest good. I name this my year of tender mercies. This is my year to do everything differently. To let down my guard. Let light in. To be curious. To be surprised. To believe the best. To hope. To live creatively with sparkling inspiration. And in the hard moments, to seek new ways of being so that I may release or embrace, surrender or resist, run or rest as needed. It's taken years to get me here, and now it's time. Life is calling. Life is my calling. I dwell in the wild fields of grace.”

—Hillary M, Lush Folk.

Musings, WellnessAna Muriel