Forgiveness and stepping into Light
Forgiveness has been for me, more clear now than ever the recipe for freedom. Our awareness is the key to dissolve our little ego´s complaint and shattering voices that tell us the millions of reasons to stay stuck or to self-sabotage or to not go to where we really need to go. The realisation that there is another way is the first step to freedom.
I spent years justifying myself in an office cubicle, working excessively long hours in topics I didn´t care about, smoking and basically being numb for years; with the excuse I was earning good money to pay my life. With the excuse 'fairy-tales do not exist' I stayed in relationships for years, while allowing my heart to sink in the process.
For some, eating sugar or sabotaging through some foods, hiding behind a tv-screen, social-media, alcohol, drugs or staying in the places, routines, jobs, obsessive thoughts that are pulling them down with the arguments of 'there is no other way', that they are 'too stressed', or 'too busy' to know another way.
Busy, busy, busy we tend to grab our excuses to stay small. To numb ourselves. Like flies to a soda, we stay there, stuck. We shut down from our flow of soul, of presence, of truth, of possibilities.
Its taken me tears, resistance and doing hard work, to get this. To be ready to be honest, truly sincere with my own soul and forgive myself fully.
I´m inviting you to consider that a sacred relationship to life implies that you forgive. First yourself. For the million things you could have done better. For the ones you hurt in the process. For the opportunities you missed, you did not embrace. For the love that was waiting that you were not ready to embrace. For the shadows you kept feeding. For allowing the oppression, for not speaking your truth. For all the reasons that had you hiding.
So this short practice: Acknowledge all the places or emotions that are making you feel stuck, resentful, sad, angry, sticky, muddy... etc. And say to yourself: I forgive. I forgive. I forgive. I forgive. I forgive. I forgive. I forgive... (keep whispering to yourself, go slowly, even claim it, speak it out loud, write it down, and let the words spread throughout your feeling body.)... Stay there as you forgive, between 3-10mins. Keep murmuring, stay with the words as a mantra.
At some point, a sense of sincerity, of honesty with the essence of forgiveness awakens. Let it be there for you. Simmer into forgiving with every cell of your body. Bow to this forgiving: memories, instants, situations, people, will come to mind, let them stay, and keep your "I forgive" going for at least 3-10mins. This is forgiving. Truly from your essence, Forgive. Before closing, say to yourself: " Ana (your name here), I forgive you fully".
This is how a sacred relationship is born. With yourself and towards others. Out of your own inner process, you step into a new light in your inner and outer world. Keep forgiving as a practice. Every time you feel there is something that comes up. Do your forgiving practice, come back to it as required and see how the ego voices dissolve.. Sometimes, the body is not ready to let go, she is not ready to drop it. Let that be part of your process as well. Every emotion and experience has a life-spam, it will eventually be ready to be forgiven. Wait for the time, your soul will tell you when is ready.
As you forgive, things dissolve. If we get attached to them, they will become scars that eventually block us in one way or another. Spirit calls us to greater levels of life in every breath this way. Every step a new breath of life.
Forgive yourself first. Light happens here. Step into it.