The Present


Thank you to Naomi Absalom, gorgeous London yoga teacher who touches peoples lives with her presence. She lives authentically, uses her hands to serve, to express, to connect. Full inspiration. She gave me this quote and here it is, reminding me to be here, present. My hands remind me, to be here, to be alive.

"We must abandon completely the notion of blaming the past for any kind of situation we're in and reverse our thinking and see that the past always flows back from the present.

That now is the creative point of life. So you see its like the idea of forgiving somebody, you change the meaning of the past by doing that...

Also watch the flow of music. The melody as its expressed is changed by notes that come later.

Just as the meaning of a wait till later to find out what the sentence means...

The present is always changing the past." -Alan Watts.

MusingsAna Muriel