When we were birds

I like to imagine us women were birds first, somehow learned to fly high, learned to be light, learned to move with the wisdom of the wind, and sang the songs of our souls... when we were birds.

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MusingsAna Muriel
Be Powerful now

Let that powerful essence flow through you. Be it, let it expand through you. Now, find the path of least resistance, and maintain your powerful vibration to what you desire. Align to your powerful vibration of now. Care about how you want to feel. And make it radiant, powerful, vibrant.

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Musings, WellnessAna Muriel
It Takes Time

To see takes time, To notice and be with a flower in its unfurling takes time. To understand deeply takes time, to really release what no longer serves us takes time. It all feels so heartbreakingly alive.The wonder of it. The ache of it. The seeing. Being so deeply in touch with life. All of this takes time.

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The Red Book

The pull toward soul feels like a strong earthquake in our journey. There is no way to deny it, or maybe there is, but She keeps calling us back, until when we respond.

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WellnessAna Muriel