Heart Blessing Oil

Heart Blessing Oil


alchemised and hand crafted




Hawthorn Elixir 

Sweet almond oil 

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This nurturing, heart-opening and deeply feminine oil was created to anoint the sacred heart of women and mothers whose love creates life and wonders.  

Anoint your heart space morning and evening with this unique blend of essential oils of rose, tuberose, frankincense and handmade hawthorn elixir to receive abundant love into your heart. 

Tuberose has long been honoured by the Maya as the most sacred flower and mother of their Gods. 

Rose opens a woman to her innate source of feminine power, she is the messenger of the goddess of love. Rose also brings balm to the heart in times of heart-ache and descent.  

Frankincense opens the heart centre and aligns the mind with the highest spiritual vibrations; it acts as a sacred offering to your divine heart and soul. 

Hawthorn flowers certainly have an affinity with fertility, sensual love and the moon.