Recipe post-hospital, post-emergency, post-trauma


I have found myself researching for ways to reboot my system and my children´s after some distress at hospital and I´m recognising how important it is to acknowledge ourselves after a trauma and give ourselves time to readjust, realign, find our centre again. Recipe for Post-draining experiences that has contracted your energy:

* I highly recommend Perelandra essences. (Nature´s intelligent solutions for Human Health). Drops to balance, uplift you, cut with the fear or trauma. I am writing more about my experience with them, but in the meantime, check them out here: * Go to nature. Walk barefoot. Hug a tree. (yes!, nobody is watching you..) * Lie down on the ground. Literally just 3 mins connect us to the earth. * Place your feet in water. (a river would be ideal) * Take a bath with Epsom Salts and some drops of Lavender (calming) and Frankincense (perfect for grounding and spiritual connectedness). * Take at least for the next 30 days a good Probiotic supplement (i like Udo´s Choice Super5 Probiotic Formula ideal for all the family). * Change your gears into an outfit that makes you feel in touch with yourself again, something that allows you to feel comfortable and at ease. (I love to wear a nice long comfy blouse or a really comfy pair of trousers). * Light a candle, burn some beautiful incense. * Play your favourite tunes (check my spotify favourite for distress: spotify:user:anamurieljivajam:playlist:4lRioCzOfwINojzklAgGZh * Use activated charcoal in your water (this is a potent natural treatment used to trap toxins and chemicals in the body, allowing them to be flushed out so the body doesn’t reabsorb them. It’s made from a variety of sources, but when used for natural healing, it’s important to select activated charcoal made from coconut shells or other natural sources). * Vitamin C Green Reboot: recharge with a good green juice packed with dark green leaves, orange, lemon juice, banana, ginger and turmeric. * Journal, write, write write and let go the chatter or invite new possibilities into your life. * Sit under the moon and gaze her. Simmer under her light. Let her bathe you.